charles mccullaghDreams and the Creative ProcessThe dream begins with a poetic note, a hint of a line from the poet Emily Dickinson, “The soul selects its own society,” that seems to…Oct 10Oct 10
charles mccullaghThat Kingdom Coming BusinessI’ve been recording my dreams for more than twenty years and remain surprised how psychologically useful they can be. I should add that the…Sep 21Sep 21
charles mccullaghDreaming a Brother ForwardI have been recording my dreams for more than thirty years, starting not long after my mother’s death when the dreams came in torrents. I…Jul 20Jul 20
charles mccullaghMy Father’s Immigrant ArcThe cards, blessings and good wishes that showered me on Father’s Day took me back to memories of my father when I was fifteen and before…Jun 21Jun 21
charles mccullaghThe Psychology of WarI was at my local polling place for a recent New York election and the poll worker asked me for my address. She was already holding my…May 27May 27
charles mccullaghBringing the Orphan Archetype HomeThe Zoom universe, separated by space and time,Apr 22Apr 22